Coming to you from the ABC club for the year of 2013, the decision has been made to bake from King Arthur Web <big squeals> I have been a fan of them for years and they are my go to for almost everything. So this year is going to be the best!
This was a very fun and easy recipe! I enjoyed making it :) I do need to share why I was soooo excited to make these, drum roll please........!
My new kitchen aide mixer!!!! This is the best thing ever for bread. How did I ever live with out it??? Love the color of it too. Ok back to Panettone...
I did not have the fancy pants extract so I think I did what some of you did... I used the lemon extract and just vanilla. To add to the flavor, when I cooked my craisins, I used Lots of pulp orange juice and the zest from one lemon. Not to get side tracked again, but I have a yankee candle and the scent is mandarine cranberry. I love the smell of it!!! I didnt really have any other dried fruits and I wanted to keep it simple with just the craisins so I opted to not go to the store and get anymore.
Another thing I didnt have was MILK! With kids on Christmas break, they were going thru it and I didnt think to check before I started, BUT I always have fat free half and half on hand. I used about 3/4 cup and filled the rest with water. I dont think you can even tell I didnt use milk. Was all the same.
I must say these were absolutely delicious! I could tasted the lemon, orange and cranberry in every bite and I was completely satisfied with how they turned out. My kids loved them and had them for a bed time snack. This is a keeper.... My only question about this recipe is why couldnt you use fresh fruits??? Your rehydrating dried right? Just a thought and something I may think about next time. Enjoy! :)